Wrath of Gods did it again. Jon won the Prémio Espesial do Júri” award in Santarém, Portugal
for his documentary!!! Pretty cool I say. Seems the awards just keep coming in. These awards don't suprize me. I knew this little gem was a winner right off. It is so cool that something you are dedicated to and completely believe in has turned the heads at festivals and they are giving
Jon and his Wrath the recognition that they both deserve.
Way to go Jon Gustafsson!!!!!!!!!
I tip my hat!!!!!!!
Wrath of Gods has three new festivals lined up for this Fall, Ft. Lauderdale, Beirut, and
Zion, Utha .. YAHOOO!!!! This is fantastic, and there is an event planned for spring 2008
I am thinking that I have really great taste and can really spot a winner when I see one..
Hey you didn't think I would support and dedicate my time to any thing but the best do you????
Next: November with screenings all around the world...
Gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!